tisdag 12 april 2011

To today~

HIYA, I got problems to decide where to start! I got so much I want to post here, but yet I don't want to mess up the order of the blogposts! ^^"

So I'll try to make them connect somehow..

So actually, I won't start with "to today" in this blogpost. I will start with the day before yesterday!
'Cause then the sun was out, and Kazoo was loving it so much! <3
.. I admit, I just wanted to say that so I could have a reason to post this picture first HAHAH!

Wow, the picture shrunk! o:
Maybe you can click it? I'm still not sure about how blogspot really works at all times. XD

HOWEVER today, was not at all as sunny.. In fact it was a very gray and rainy day..
So Kazoo got to be inside a little today!!
Which she thought was superinteresting!
Most of all she thought my bed was really comfy.. So she occupied it for quite a while XD

And then she also did her second favorite thing.... Which is licking my fingers..
Seriously, I have no idea why she keeps doing that? She doesn't lick anyone elses fingers?
Could someone tell me why she does that?
She kinda seems to enjoy it.. So my guess would be 1. My fingers just taste good? Maybe she likes salt..? I mean humans are salty, right? Maybe I taste specially salty-ish or something? D:
2. Some kind of greeting-grooming-thing.. Perhaps she thinks my hand is another cat and wants to groom it?
I don't know.. Just theories!

(Horrible quality due to video-snapshots.)

Also I was moving huge piles of old hae.. Where she kept me company, sneaking at me behind piles of hae!

Later on even Sookie showed up being very interested in the piles of old hae!

Unfortunately I can't show that picture ATM due to lousy internetconnections.. ):
So I'll continue speaking of that later!


xo, Billy Drey.

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