onsdag 13 april 2011

In loving memory | Cat introduction


Son of Mi.
(Which I don't have a picture of on this computer..</3):

Brother of Hide.
(L: Seek, R: Hide)


My love, my adorable, my missed.
It's insane how you can miss a cat as much as I miss you.
He was the loveliest little being I've ever met!
.. To me at least.<3

There wasn't one thing he would like to do without me.
He showed more love than anybody has ever showed me here.
He was just everything to me here at home..

Seekie.. I miss you, still..
Yet it's "only" about two months you have been gone.
But with the memories I have from that horrible, horrible day..
At least I got to hold you, all the way until the end.
Until that last breath you took, when you looked up and meowed silently goodbye.

I'm not sure if I believe in reincarnation..
But still a huge part of me, wishes for you to come back to me..
Skrället is starting to look more and more like you did now when she's pregnant..
Oh, wouldn't it be so wonderful if you could be born again?
Meow at me and cuddle with me..
To get drowned in love again?
I could always hope, right?

I'll add more pictures again, when my internet isn't being stubborn.

(He meowed really loud at me while jumping to me IRL, dunno why you can't really hear it in the video.)
And look at him jump!
I think someone was happy to see me! XD

(Notice how he blinks at me<33 and lets me pat him on the stomach<3)


Sad post, but I truly want to let him have a post on his own, even if he's no longer physically with me.

There will be other "Cat introductions" in the near future, to keep people up to date on cats showed in this blog!

xo, Billy Drey

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